
Nontraditional Resumes Pros and Cons

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  Nontraditional Resumes Pros and Cons

Nontraditional Resumes Pros and Cons

With today's large pool of job seekers, many are looking for ways to make their resumes stand out. Some candidates for employment have begun to create nontraditional resumes - resumes that go beyond the standard, one or two page typed sheet of paper.

The types of nontraditional resumes today's job applicants are using, in addition to the traditional resume required by most employers includeinfographics, video resumes, online portfolios, online and social resumes, and personal websites with a career focus. Here's more information on the different types of nontraditional resumes, along with examples.

Do you need one of these resumes if you're job searching? Not necessarily. However, depending on the type of job you are seeking, they can definitely help you get noticed by a prospective employer.

Pros of a Nontraditional Resume

Nontraditional resumes are not for everyone. However, they can be very beneficial for certain types of job applicants. Nontraditional resumes are ideal for job seekers in particularly creative industries, such as marketing and design. More specifically, online resumes are helpful for applicants who want to post films, sound clips, photographs, or other pieces of work related to their industry.

Online resumes also allow those in web design and information technology to display their skills. Social resumes are useful for anyone looking for a job in social media. Thus, nontraditional resumes can help display a person's skills and qualifications.

Nontraditional resumes are also helpful for people without an extensive work history. They allow candidates to emphasize skills rather than their chronological work history.

Cons of a Nontraditional Resume

While nontraditional resumes are becoming increasingly popular across a variety of industries, that does not mean you should immediately begin to draft one. Firstly, many companies still prefer a traditional, typed resume. A number of larger companies use anapplicant tracking system (ATS) to automatically screen resumes; these systems search for keywords that indicate whether or not a candidate has the desired skills and/or experience for the position. Because ATS requires text-based resumes, some companies using ATS will simply toss aside nontraditional resumes.

Other companies simply dislike nontraditional resumes, believing that graphics and other visuals are unnecessary additions to a resume. Therefore, it's important to consider your industry and the specific companies you are interested in when you consider creating a nontraditional resume.