

毕业论文 阅读(2.97W)

On Cultural Restrictions on C-E Translation



Cultural concept, which underlies language usages and habits, comes to be the key area of translation studies, so translation activities involve not only the language, but also the cultural concept.
Owing to cultural differences, cultural-loaded words evoke different association meanings, which pose many restrictions and blocks for translation. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome the barriers of language as well as cultural concept.
As far as C-E translation is concerned, it aims to promote the cultural transference from Chinese to English. The modern functional translation theory has defined translation as an act of communication, the main aim of which is to establish communication between members of different cultures. Eugene Nida claims that there are five types of sub-culture we should be aware of: 1) ecological culture; 2) linguistic culture; 3) religious culture; 4)material culture; 5) social culture. Taking these five aspects into consideration, this thesis intends to put forward some solutions to promote a more proficient translation so as to achieve good communication between Chinese and English.

Key Words: cultural difference; cultural restrictions; C-E translation; solutions

摘  要

由于文化差异的存在,文化词汇及其产生的联想意义大不相同,这就成为翻译的难题,文化因素制约和影响了翻译。因此, 翻译不仅要克服语言障碍,更要克服文化障碍。
对汉英翻译而言,它的目的之1是促进两种语言文化的传播。现代功能翻译理论把翻译定义为1种交际行为, 并提出它的主要目的是实现两种不同文化的交流。尤金.奈达提出,译者要想在翻译中做的好,必须有5个方面的文化意识,即:生态文化,语言文化, 宗教文化, 物质文化和社会文化。本论文将从这5个方面详细探讨汉英翻译中的制约性,并提出相应的'解决方法,从而使翻译作品能在不同的交际语境中选择恰当的翻译策略,使原文中的文化因素在译文中得到较好的体现,最大限度的克服两种不同文化对翻译的制约,促使这两种文化思维方式和观点得以交流。

